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Online Evaluation Form

Thank you for attending our online conference, the “Current and Future Perspectives of Pharmacy” ” 19 -20 February 2023.

(As you want it to be printed on your certificate)

(the same email address you used in your registration)

(received earlier in your registration confirmation email)

We’d like to know your impression of the various aspects of the conference, so that we continually improve experience for all attendees. Please answer the following questions.

Very good

2. Please rate the following aspects of the conference presentations
# Description Excellent Very good Good Neutral Poor
1 Relevance of the conference topics
2 Usefulness of information presented
3 Quality of the presentations
4 Speakers’ level
5 Speakers’ specialities
6 Panel discussion & modulator role
7 Poster presentations
8 Oral presentations

3. Please rate the following aspects of the Conference organization
# Description Excellent Very good Good Neutral Poor
1 Official ceremony
2 Timing and scheduling
3 Exhibition
4 Facility and venue
5 Parking and directions
6 Refreshment & lunch

4. Based on your experience at this online conference, do you prefer to continue on attending online events?
Very likely Somewhat Not likely
5. Based on your experience at this conference, how likely are you to attend our future events?
Very likely Somewhat Not likely

Thank you for your valuable time